All Centers will be closed Wednesday, March 26th, 2025, due to Skills Training. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Each IDT is assigned to 100 - 150 participants, which is significantly lower than the number of patients the average primary care physician in the community may have, ensuring attentive, consistent and responsive care. Below is a description of the role each member has as part of the IDT.
The PCP will act like a participant’s current physician, in diagnosing and treating a disease or ailment, but will also manage the individualized care plan and coordinate with other IDT members to ensure all needs are being met. There is no limit to how often or how long the participant sees the doctor.
Our drivers do more than get Bienvivir participants to the day health center and to their medical appointments. Our drivers are the first and last people to see our participants each day and build a strong relationship with them. The driver acts as the IDT’s eyes in the field and sees the participant’s home, and can help assess their mobility and potential fall hazards.
The dietician works to monitor a participant’s diet and health, ensuring participants are getting the nutrients he/she needs. The dietitian makes dietary recommendations and works with Bienvivir kitchen staff to plan meals for participants.
Participants typically have mobility limitations, making bathing and other hygiene activities difficult. The personal care attendant is here to assist the participant in completing such activities, both at Bienvivir Adult Day Care and at their home.
Throughout treatment, it may be determined that a participant needs to see a specialist to receive care. If so, the IDT works with the specialist in the care of the participant. Specialists can include an audiologist, speech therapist, podiatrist, dentist or other specialists, the IDT can also refer them to a network provider.
The physical therapist and occupational therapist are on hand to help rehab or strengthen participants and improve mobility. The PT/OT helps participants with exercises, and can make treatment recommendations. The PT/OT services will be provided long term as long as the participant benefits.
Each participant has a nurse as part of their IDT Team. The nurse is there to provide care, assess the health needs of the participant while at the facility and coordinate visits with the PCP.
The Social Worker is one of the team members our participant’s families will interact with the most. The social worker is there to communicate and support the participant’s family and helps with necessary paperwork, i.e. renewing applications; and conducts home visits.